Taliban Behind Arms Factory Blasts in Pakistan


The Taliban in Pakistan say they carried out a double suicide blast at a government arms factory near the country's capital.

Security guard at blast scene

A security guard stands at the blast scene as rescue workers treat victims

Two bombers struck at the gates as workers were streaming out of the facility in Wah, a garrison city about 20 miles west of Islamabad.

Officials have reported that more than 57 people died in the bombings, with a further 70 injured.

The bombings have dashed hopes for an end to turmoil following the resignation of Pervez Musharraf as the nation's president.

Taliban spokesman Maulvi Umar said the attacks were revenge for military airstrikes in Bajur, a militant stronghold near the Afghan border.

He said militants would carry out similar attacks in other major cities, including Islamabad, unless the military halted operations.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani strongly condemned the attack and directed authorities "to expose the hidden hands behind the incident", according to state-run media.

The bombing was the second to hit the country since Mr Musharraf stood down earlier in the week to avoid facing impeachment charges.

A suicide bomber attacked a hospital in the northwestern town of Dera Ismail Khan on Tuesday, killing 30 people.

Pakistani forces have been fighting fierce battles for nearly two weeks with Taliban militants in Bajur, a tribal region bordering Afghanistan.

The government says more than 500 militants and 30 soldiers have been killed.

Mr Gilani's government is under massive international pressure to crack down on militants using safe havens in the rugged tribal belt to launch attacks on US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

But the latest attacks added to public anger and accusations that Pakistan itself is suffering for its role in what many regard as America's war.



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